Shopify Pixels
The biggest hack that I'm currently building involves Shopify Pixels. Over the last few years, Shopify has been moving to a more extensible theme infrastructure. As part of this, any JavaScript customization should be run from within a
sandboxed 'pixel' environment. One of the last holdouts that I need to migrate to this is my Google Tag Manager integration. The problem with this is that the auto enhanced conversion metrics for Google Analytics 4 cannot fire from within this sandboxed pixel environment. I've figured out a way to basically recreate these events in a way that everything still 'works', while suppressing the 'auto' events. I know that it's only a matter of time before the Google Analytics
Shopify integration will be rewritten in a Shopify Pixel compatible form that makes this all wasted work. In the meantime however, I'm blocked waiting for a solution to this before I can move forward with another feature that I want to add that depends on all of this working in a Shopify Pixel compatible environment.
Zapier Bug
The second issue that falls into this area arose due to a bug that I discovered with Zapier's Shopify integration months ago.
Basically, Zapier wasn't using the latest version of Shopify's API so their integration was missing numerous features that I needed to keep my Shopify customer records in sync with other CRM systems. This required me to essentially create a CRM in Zapier tables and then have edits trigger webhooks into a system that I created that made the correct modern Shopify API calls. This Zapier bug has now been fixed, so I should be able to dramatically simplify how this integration
works. I know though that it's only a matter of time before I'll need to do something similar again... Do I keep my webhook based system ready to go? or just recreate what I need when that time arises?
Android App Not Updated for 10 Years!
In other software development related news... I recently had a client that I developed an Android app for almost 10 years ago contact me because that app has stopped working on the latest version of Android. I was
honestly shocked to learn that this had been in continuous operation by their company since I had first delivered it. The Android ecosystem has changed so much over that time that I told them that it's likely more cost effective to have someone rewrite it from scratch rather than update the old source code to work properly. I've written before about how I've abandoned Android development, so if anyone reading this is interested in potentially taking on this job, let me know!
On a similar note, I constantly have software development needs come up that I either don't have the bandwidth or needed skills to address. I'm always looking for people interested in working with me on projects or in cases like this, taking on a full project. If you're interested in being pinged when this occurs in the future, let me know what skills you're interested in being notified about.