January is almost over, and by now, resolutions are probably old news for most. Still, it's a tradition of mine to lay out what to expect for the year and to set some goals for what I'd like to achieve.
The first place that I always revisit when deciding on my yearly goals are the areas that I consider a 'failure' from the last
year. I can't remember a time where I didn't at least make an attempt at a goal that I established at the beginning of the year. There are often times, where no matter how much effort I put into it, I just could not accomplish my objective. I've got one of those from 2024 that I'm going to double down on this year. I can say that I've made zero meaningful progress on reducing the amount of visceral fat on my body. Pretty much everything I tried that worked also
resulted in an almost equal decrease in muscle mass. I've got an enormous backlog of things that I want to try on this front, so I expect this will dominate most of my health related experiments for the year.
Somewhat related to this initial goal, is my desire to create a signature, "healthy" desert. What does this mean to me? Well, it's got to be high in protein, but lowish in calories. It also should not
create large blood sugar spikes. Probably the most important aspect is that it needs to be something that I bring to functions and have people enjoy it without the caveat of them knowing that it's a 'healthy dessert' 😉 I plan to share recipes of things that get close to meeting this goal.
Maybe counterintuitive to my visceral fat reduction goal is the fact that I want to spend less time actually working out. I'll
discuss this more, but I've already started revamping my workout routine to spend more time focusing on recovery. We'll see how this turns out, but right now, I've got many ideas of things to try. Most of these have come out of data that surfaced in recent enhancements to the SelfDecode platform that I use.
Any remaining health related experimentation time is likely going to be spent on peptides. Initially, there's going to
be a lot of overlap between this and my visceral fat and recovery focused workout goals.
Of course, there's going to continue to be plenty of backpacking, gardening and craft beer content. One change from last year is that there are far more brewing projects and experiments planned. This is mostly related to my desire to modernize my homebrewing process as well as be a more effective thought leader on beer and brewing.
This last point factors into my overall objective of growing my various side projects. I'd like to see revenue grow in everything that I do outside of Threddies, but specifically in those things that are not directly technology focused.
Finally, I want to
generate even more engagement with YOU! Even though this all started out as a way to test a product that I was building, the thing I look forward to after sending this each month is the interaction that occurs with the people that are actually reading it. Keep all the comments coming and always feel free to reach out. I really enjoy hearing from everyone. If you know a friend who might find something interesting, or have something to add, forward the email to them and/or
encourage them to sign up!